فرض الثلاثي الاول

 فرض الثلاثي الاول

Name : ……………………      Chihani Bachir School  Class: 4MS ……………….

The first English Test 

(1)  This is a photo of my friend , Stephanie. She is 15 and she is French . She lives in a village near Toulouse . She studies at «François College »

(2)   She has short black hair and very dark eyes . She is intelligent and cool , but sometimes she is a bit sad too .

(3) She loves music and she likes writing songs . She can play the guitar very well and she has a beautiful voice . We love listening to her. She has had an amazing experience;  She has already sung in Karaoke with our friends . But , she has never participated in an official music contest . I hope she’ll do it someday .    She’s also crazy about computers , and she likes looking for lyrics on the internet . She only hates one thing doing sport .

     (4)  I like her , because she is always there when i need her .

Task one :

A)    I read the text . Then, I fill in the table about Stephani :(2pts)


Physicala ppearance











Likes :……………….


Dislikes :……………..






B)    I read the text . Then , I match the following questions in (A) with paragraphs in (B) :

(A) (B)   (3pts)

-         What does she like doing ?- paragraph (2)

-         Why is your friend special ?- paragraph (3)

-         Describeher.                                                                                     - paragraph (4)


C)    *I find in the text a word , that is closest in meaning to :  smart =………………………(2pts)


*I find in the text a word , that is opposite in meaning to :  unfriendly…………………………


Tasktwo :

A)    I classify the following adjectives in the table below : (2pts)

Cheerful _ impatient _ messy _ calm

Positive personality






B)    I underline the correct word : (3pts)

-         Aun(has/have) never tasted snails.

-         I haven’t (visiting / visited) Tokyo before .

-         Have your parents ever gone to Spain ?yes , they (do/have).


C)    I put W (weak form) or S (strong form) under (have/ has) :(2pts)

A :Have you ever written a poem ?

B : No , I haven’t .

A :Has your brother ever spoken to  a star ?

B : Yes , he has .

Task three :You have a new friend on « Facebook » . Make your portrait for her / him .(6)

Introduce your ( name, age , physical appearance , personality , hobbies , one experience).


        Hi ! …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………




………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………. ;









الأستاذ: عيبوط هشام، أستاذ التعليم المتوسط بولاية سعيدة، متحصل على ثلاث شهادات بكالوريا لدورات 2008، 2010، 2020 وذلك في شعبة اللغات الأجنبية، خريج جامعة الدكتور مولاي الطاهر – سعيدة – بشهادة ليسانس تخصص تعليم اللغة الإنجليزية دفعة 2012، خريج المركز الجامعي صالحي أحمد – النعامة – بشهادة ماستر تخصص لسانيات تطبيقية في نفس اللغة وذلك سنة 2017.

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