‏إظهار الرسائل ذات التسميات فروض لغة انجليزية سنة ثالثة متوسط،. إظهار كافة الرسائل
‏إظهار الرسائل ذات التسميات فروض لغة انجليزية سنة ثالثة متوسط،. إظهار كافة الرسائل

فرض تشخيصي لغة انجليزية سنة ثالثة متوسط ... (By Ghania Belkilali)


Task 0ne : I write the correct form of the verbs :

1-      Nadia ( like )(to read) books

2-      You must ( to visit) the doctor

3-      I should (to ) eat fruits and vegetables

4-      We can (to speak) English

5-      My sister (to have) got a fever

Task two :I mach



I can ride a bike

You should not eat junk food

I can’t go to school

You must respect your teachers

You mustn’t write on the school walls

I have to drink water             


-          Absence of obligation

-          Inability

-          Obligation

-          Advice

-          Advice

-          Prohibition

Task three : I classify the following food items in the chart below

apples – milk –oranges ––– eggs –– meat – water- grapes – sugar – flour – oil – salt– carrots – tomatoes –

             Countable nouns

Uncountable nouns





                                                                                             Task 05 : I classify the words in the chart

Task four : I complete the dialogue with                   according to the pr🏓onounciation of “s” “l”

Some-much-any-many-are-is                            helps-needs-places-speaks-ball- live-walk

A : How......milk........there in the fridge?                       -
B There isn't........
A : And how...........apples and 

B There are a some apples and ……..oranges


Task 06 : Writing : The teachers of English in your school are organising a competition about "Best Personal Profile" written in English. The best three winners will be given beautiful gift. Write your profile to introduce yourself.