‏إظهار الرسائل ذات التسميات سنة ثانية ثانوي شعبة رياضيات،. إظهار كافة الرسائل
‏إظهار الرسائل ذات التسميات سنة ثانية ثانوي شعبة رياضيات،. إظهار كافة الرسائل

فرض الفصل الاول سنة ثانية شعبة رياضيات


The United Nations peacekeeping is a unique and dynamic instrument developed by the Organization as

a way to help countries torn by conflicts to create the conditions for lasting peace. The first UN

peacekeeping mission was established in 1948, when the Security Council authorized the deployment of UN

military observers to the Middle East to observe Peace Agreement between Israel and its Arab neighbours.

Since then, there have been 63 UN peacekeeping operations around the world.

Over the year, UN peacekeeping has evolved to meet the demands of different conflicts and a changing

political landscape. Today, UN peacekeeping goals are clear and concise. They are primarily limited to

maintaining ceasefire and stabilizing situation on the ground, so that efforts could be made at the political

level to resolve the conflict by peaceful means. These missions consist of military observers lightly armed

troops in support of ceasefire and limited peace agreement.

UN peacekeeping continues to evolve to meet new challenges and political realities. The Organizaion

is working vigorously to strengthen its capacity to manage and sustain field operations, and thus, contribute

to the most important function of the United Nations-maintaining international peace and security.

a) Comprehension :

1) Are these statements true or false? (2 pts)

a) The UN peacekeeping’s main duty is to keep peace worldwide. ...................

b) The first UN peacekeeping mission was established in the far East. ...................

c) The UN peacekeeping forces are heavily armed. .................

d) Solving conflicts mainly depend on political measures. ........................

2) Answer these questions according to the text: (3 pts)

a) Where did the Security Council first authorize the deployment of UN military observers and what for?



b) What do the UN peackeeping goals consist of nowadays?



c) What is the most important function of the United Nations?



3) Who or what do they refer to: (1 pts)

a) They :................................................. b) Its :


4) Find in the text words closer in meaning to: (0.5 pts)

a) Permitted = ................................................ b) strongly =


5)Find in the text words whose definitions follow: ( 0.5 pts )

a) The part of Asia that includes Egypt, Iran and the countries between them


b) A halt in military operations, especially for the purpose of discussing peace (§2)


b) Textexploration :

1) Complete table : (1 pts)

Verbs Nouns Adjectives

to resolve / .......................... / ................................

to ........................ /  developed / ............................................

2) Fill in the blanks with: Can Could or Cannot. (1.5 Pts)

A- Before the end of the revolution, Algerian Soldiers ........................... force the french army to

start negotiation to stop the war.

B- We ........................... ask the delegate questions of current issues.

C- The UNO ................................ put an end to the middle east crises.

3) Write senteces in which you express criticism or apology in these situations. (1 Pts)

Situation 1 :He shouted at me without any reason.

Situation 2 : I took your book without letting you know.

4) Complete the sentences expressing obligation prohibition or absence of obligation: (1.5 pts)

A- World organization for peace (WOFP)........................ put an end to conflicts around the world

B- Differences are always tolerated, we ..................agree with each other in all aspects of life

C- People have the right to express themselves freely, we.................................. judged them

5) Fill in the gaps with 4 words from the list below: (2 Pts)

Free – duties – rights – peace – war – deprived

One of the most important ................... of children is to live in peace, but many of them are

suffering from ..................... and political conflicts. Those children are ........................... from

their rights especially the right to get .................... education and health care. Therefore, the

UNICEF should do the best to save them.

6) Classify the words according to the prononciation of their final « S » (1 Pts )

Conflicts - Conditions - Neighbours - Challenges

/S/ /Z/ /IZ/

Part two: Written Exprehenssion (5pts)

Choose one of the following topics.

Topic 1: Use the following notes to write a composition about UNICEF

- Established in 1946.

- Protects children from violence and exploitation.

- Help children start school at an early age.

- Ameliorate the quality of education.

- Receive funds from voluntary Contributions.

Topic 2:

Write about your rights and duties in school.