‏إظهار الرسائل ذات التسميات سنة ثالثة ثانوي شعبة رياضيات،. إظهار كافة الرسائل
‏إظهار الرسائل ذات التسميات سنة ثالثة ثانوي شعبة رياضيات،. إظهار كافة الرسائل

تقويم سنة ثالثة ثانوي شعبة رياضيات

 Read the text carefully then do the activities.

Companies spend millions of euros every year advertising their products. Their ads tell us that

if we buy their mp3 players, people will admire us more, if we eat their food, we will be happier,

and, if we don’t wear their clothes, we won't look good.

They use a variety of clever techniques to persuade us to buy their products. Some companies

employ famous athletes, singers and actors. They think that if we see our heroes wearing a certain

T-shirt, then we will want to wear it, too. Other companies try to make us feel bad for not buying

their products: unless we use their products, we will not be good friends or we will put the

environment in danger. Other companies use words like 'modern', 'unique' or 'latest' because they

believe that if they use such words, we will want to buy their products. Other companies, in order to

know what teenagers like, hire 'cool hunters' or 'cultural spies' to infiltrate their world and bring

back the latest trends.

Young children and teenagers are important to companies because they have their own

purchasing power, they influence their parents' buying decisions and they're the adult consumers of

the future. However, we should be careful because advertising uses and influences children and

teenagers ,and a healthy society should raise children to be responsible citizens rather than just


Adapted from internet

A/Comprehension: (8pts)

1. Write the letter that corresponds to the right answer. (1,5pts)

A. Companies spend ........................ money on the advertisements of their goods.

a. many b. little c. a lot of

B. They try different ways to ........................ us to buy their products.

a. promote b. convince c. reject

C. Children ........................ their parent’s buying decisions.

a. protect b. affect c. make

2. In which paragraph is it mentioned that some firms use well- known people to convince us

buy their goods?( 1pt)

3. Answer the following questions according to the text. (3pts)

a. How much money do firms use in advertising their products?

b. Which methods do companies use to convince people to buy their products?

c . Why are young people essential to companies?

4. Who or what do the underlined words refer to in the text? (1,5pts)

a. we (§1) ...... b. they (§2) ............... c. their (§3) ............

5.Give a title to the text .............................. (1pt)

B/Text Exploration:( ( 7pts)

1. Find in the text words whose definitions follow. (1,5pts)

1.To enter or to make somebody enter a place or an organization secretly.( 2§) :

2. Things that are grown or produced, usually for sale.(1§)

3. People who compete in sports (2§)

2. Give the opposite of the following words keeping the same root. (1pt)

a. healthy b. respect c. responsible d. moral

3. Rewrite sentence (b) so it means the same as sentence (a).(2pts)

1/ a) Unless we use their products, we will not be good friends.

b) If .........................................................................................................

2/ a) Advertisers use many methods to get us buy their articles.

b) Many methods .......................................................................................

3/ a) Young children are important to companies because they have their own purchasing


b) Young children have their own ..................................................................

4/ a) He said """Well-advertised products are not necessarily good ones,"

b- He said that...............................................................................................

4. Classify the following words according to the number of their syllables. (1,5pts)

company - purchase - advertising - firms -cultural -healthy

One syllable Two syllables Three syllables Four syllables

5. Fill in the gaps with words from the list below.( 1pt)

teenager - probably - advertising - exposed

Students are constantly ............... to advertising messages designed to make them believe

they can’t live without a certain product. Even though the average ........................ knows it is

advertising and is .................. stretching or distorting the truth, he or she is still affected by the

charm and appealing presentation of ..................................

Written Expression: Choose only one topic (5pts)


Poor people are the victims of publicity because they can neither resist its impact nor satisfy their

needs. Using the notes below, write a composition on the harmful effects of publicity on the poor.

-Manipullate/ over- consumption

-feeling / frustration / because / not satisfy / needs

-buy unnecessary products

-Waste of money -debts

Topic two : Young people who are addicted to fast foods are the most likely to become obese

.Write a composition of 120-150 words stating the main causes of obesity ,its dangers and how to

control it .