‏إظهار الرسائل ذات التسميات سنة ثالثة ثانوي شعبة تقني رياضي،. إظهار كافة الرسائل
‏إظهار الرسائل ذات التسميات سنة ثالثة ثانوي شعبة تقني رياضي،. إظهار كافة الرسائل

تقويم سنة ثالثة ثانوي شعبة تقني رياضي


A/ Comprehension: (8pts)

An eclipse of the Sun occurs when the Moon passes between the Earth and the Sun. The Moon blocks

the light of the Sun and a shadow of the Moon is cast on the Earth's surface.

During a solar eclipse, the Moon actually casts two shadows towards Earth. One shadow is called

the umbra which becomes smaller as it reaches the Earth. The second shadow is called

the penumbra which becomes larger as it reaches the Earth. A total solar eclipse, or a complete blocking

out of the Sun's light, can only be seen from the area on the Earth's surface that enters the

Moon's umbra. People viewing the eclipse from the area of the Earth's surface that enters the penumbra

will see only a partial blocking of the Sun.

A total solar eclipse can only occur when two events happen at the same time. The first event is a new

Moon. This phase of the Moon occurs when the Sun is almost directly behind the Moon, and we see

only a sliver of the Sun's light reflected by the Moon. During this time the Moon and the Sun appear

close together. The second event that must occur is that the Moon must be in the right position, directly

in the line of sight between the Earth and the Sun. These two events occur at the same time about once

every year and a half.

In a solar eclipse, the Moon moves between the earth and the Sun. When this happens, part of the

Sun's light is blocked. The sky slowly gets dark and the stars appear. Birds and animals are quiet,

thinking night has arrived. When the Moon and Sun are in a perfect line, it is called a total eclipse.

These are very rare. Most people only see one in their lifetime.

A/ Comprehension: (8pts)

1-circle the letter that corresponds to the right answer (1pt)

• The text is: a/-Expository b/- argumentative c/- descriptive

• The text is about: a/-Eclipses of the sun and the moon.

b/- Solar eclipses.

c/- Lunar eclipses.

2- Are these statements True or False according to the text:(2pts)

• In solar eclipses the moon passes in front of the sun and covers its brilliant surface.

• A total eclipse takes place at times of new moon.

• It can be seen all over the world.

• A total solar eclipse is a common natural phenomenon.

3- Answer these questions according to the text(3pts)

• What’s the difference between the two shadows of the moon?

• When can a total solar eclipse happen?

• How is it perceived on Earth?

4- In which paragraph are the conditions of a total solar eclipse mentioned. (1pt) in §..........

5- what or who do the underlined words refer to in the text? (1pt)

a. that (§2) .................... b.during this time ( §3)..............


1) Find in the text words whose definition follow(0.5pt)

- Darkness caused by the blocking of the direct light.(§2) =............

- A very large mass of burning gas in space that can be seen in a clear sky at night.(§4) =...

2) Complete the following chart (1pt)

verb Noun Adjective

....................... ....................... Wide

To rotate ...................... rotative

Totransmit Transmission ..........................

3) Ask questions that the underlined words answer:(1pt)

a-Asteroids take three years to orbit the sun.

b-The moon is about 384000KM far from the earth.

4) Rewrite sentence (b) so that it means the same as sentence (a):(1.5pts)

1. a- Curiosity sent pictures of unfamiliar objects from Mars.

b- pictures ..................................................................................................

2. a- The astronomer said:” I will make a trip to the moon”.

b- The astronomer said .......................................................................

3.a- American government had better spend more money on humanitarian aid.

b- Many people wish..........................................................................................................

5) Give the correct forms of the verbs in brackets. (1pt)

Today, technology (play)........ an important role in (explor)...........the space. So, satellites are

used for (collect)...... images and information about the outer space. These images and

information may (give) ......us an idea about other bodies found in our solar system.

6) Fill in the gaps with only four words from the list: (1pt)

planet- daylight- star- frozen- heat-water

The Sun is our nearest .......... The Sun provides us with light and........ . Without the Sun

there would be no.........., and our planet would simply be a dark .......... world, with no oceans or

liquid water and no life.

7) Mark the stress on the following words where necessary. (1pt)

Galaxy – planet – gravity - exploration

Part two: Written Expression. (05pts)

Write a composition of 80_words on one of the following topics.

Choose either topic one or two:

Topic 1: Write a short composition talking about the importance of satellites in exploring the outer

space and changing the world into a small village.

You may use these ideas:

Telecommunication / exploring expeditions / gathering information about other planets / research /

geology / weather forecast...

Topic 2: Some people argue that advertising is beneficial for consumers while others say the

opposite. Write an article telling your opinion