‏إظهار الرسائل ذات التسميات سنة ثالثة ثانوي جميع الشعب،. إظهار كافة الرسائل
‏إظهار الرسائل ذات التسميات سنة ثالثة ثانوي جميع الشعب،. إظهار كافة الرسائل

فروض و اختبارات السنة الثالثة ثانوي للشعب الأدبية و العلمية

 Part One: Reading (15 pts)

Today, everywhere in the world, people have developed a new attitude towards the act of buying. The fact

that markets are filled with all sorts of goods encourages everyone to engage in the purchase of a large variety

of items. Some of these are essential either because they contribute in our biological survival like food and

medicines or because they play an important part in protecting our mental balance like music and books.

But next to such vital things we find numerous elements which we feel obliged to acquire although they

do not have any determining role in our existence. It is the case with luxury items such as fashion clothes,

paintings, objects of decoration especially designed furniture, jewels and make up products. We can also

integrate in the same category the electronic devices that equip modern houses. The list still includes cameras,

phone-mobiles, silver dishes, gold watches, sun-glasses, sport cars, pleasure boats and multitude of other

articles which we buy just because they are accessible in the markets.

All these items do not add much to the basic needs of our species. Yet, all of us are eager to get them

provided that we have the means to do so. They are all gradually incorporated in our life and form an

important aspect of it. Initially, their production had no other aim than to provide a source of income for their

creators or producers. Now, they have brought an additional feature to our life-style and participate in shaping

our personality to some extent. We are unable to abandon their use for the simple reason that such an attitude

will expose us to severe criticism from our fellows who will think that we no longer belong to modernity and

civilization or they will see us as old-fashioned people.

Adapted from the internet

A /Comprehension: (8pts)

1) Choose the answer that complete each statement. (1.5pt)

a) Nowadays, people consume more and more products because of ..............................

-the large amount of articles exposed in the markets.

-the good quality of the articles.

-the lack of articles in the markets.

b) Some products that people buy are..............................for their existence.

-unsafe -unnecessary -unacceptable

c) People purchase some articles only because they are...................................in the markets.

-affordable -rare - well exposed

2) Put the following statements in the order they appear in the text. (2pts)

a) People buy some products just because of their good price.

b) Now, people cannot live without some modern items.

c) Some goods are very important in people’s life.

d) Many unnecessary items have become an essential part of people’s life.

3) Answer the following questions from the text: (3pts)

a) Why are some purchased goods very important in people’s life?

b) Are all the articles we find in the markets essential for life? Justify.

c) Why are people incapable of living without some nonessential items?

4) Who or what do the underlined words refer to in the text? (1pt)

a) these (1§) ......... b) they (2§) ......... c) it (3§) ............ d) their (3§) ............

5) Choose the most appropriate title. (0.5pt)

a) The New Market Products

b) Consumption in Modern Societies

c) Overconsumption in Fashion

B/ Text Exploration: (7pts)

1) Find words or expressions that are opposite in meaning to the followings: (1pt)

a) insignificant (1§) ≠ ....... b) ancient (2§) ≠......... c) finally (3§) ≠........d) capable(3§)≠..........

2) Complete the chart with the missing words: (1.5pt)

Verb Noun Adjective

............................................../........................................... / accessible

to integrate /.........................................../..........................................


3) Complete sentence(b)so as it means the same as sentence(a): (1.5pts)

I. a- Internet adverts should be banned and TV adverts should be banned, too.

b- Both..........................................................................................

II. a- Food companies have made great profits because of the new methods of advertising.

b- Great profits........................................................................

III. a- The journalist said that consumers bought articles even though they didn’t need them.

b- The journalist said:”...................................................................................................”

4) Ask question that the underlined word below answers: ( 1pt)

a) People purchase different articles in the markets.

b) He bought his phone 50.000D.A months ago.

5) Reorder the following sentences to get a coherent paragraph: (1pt)

a) By some estimates, teenagers also spend more than $ 200 billion

b) Therefore, it is vital for some companies

c) In the USA, one out of nine teenagers has a credit card.

d) to attract the young consumers before competition does.

e) in sales from shampoo to personal computers.

6) Classify the words below according to the pronunciation of the final “ed”: (1pt)

encourage - produced - filled - added

Part Two: written expression (5 pts)

- Choose one of the following topics:

Topic One:

Today, advertisers use clever methods to persuade young consumers to spend more and more money

for unneeded goods. As a member of an association write an article of about 80 to100 to raise teenagers’

awareness and show them how to avoid advertisers’ manipulation.

The following notes may help.

- not to believe everything in the adverts.

- be well informed about the advertised products.

- not to buy unnecessary/ unhealthy goods.

- government to ban deceptive/manipulative adverts.

- parents to control children’s spendings.

Topic Two: Write a composition of about 80 to100 words about the following topic.

Obesity has become one of the major health problems in the world. It has different causes and many bad


Part one: Reading (15points)

A) Comprehension (8points)

Read the text carefully and do the activities.

Let’s Go to the Moon!

Human has walked on the moon since the Apollo 17 mission in December 1972. This time, though the

astronauts will stay much longer than the few days of the Apollo 17mission. So now, NASA’s Exploration

Technology Development Program is working on everything that will be needed to make the moon a place

where a crew of astronauts can live for months.

Explorers from Earth will have to build their own habitat, or home. Their home must protect them like

no home on Earth would ever need to do. Why?

There is no air on the moon. And the temperature varies from 387 degrees Fahrenheit below zero (-233

Celsius) at night to 253 degrees Fahrenheit above zero (123 Celsius) in the day. Tiny micro-meteoroids

(space rocks) rain down on the moon’s surface. And no atmosphere means no protection from the Sun’s

harsh radiation.

So, a moon habitat for humans will have to be tough and very sturdy. It will have to be air tight, so the

inside can be pumped up with breathable air without exploding or leaking. The habitat will have to be

cooled during the moon day and heated during the moon night. It will need a water recycling system, a

power generating system and food storage and preparation facilities.

The materials to build the moon habitat should be lightweight, since they will have to be boosted out

of Earth’s gravitational field using rockets. The habitat will have to be sent to the moon in pieces and

assembled by the explorers once they arrive. So, it should be easy to put together, since the moon explorers

will be working in space suits.


1) Circle the letter that corresponds to the right answer. 1.5 pts

The text is: a. a report b. a web article c. a newspaper article

2) Are these statements true or false? Write T or F next the letter corresponding to the statement.


a- Apollo 17 stayed for one whole year on the moon.

b- Homes on the moon must protect astronauts better than homes on Earth.

c- Oxygen is available on the surface of the moon.

d- Astronauts should use heavy materials to build their habitat.

3) Answer the following questions according to the text. 3.5 pts

a- Do astronauts intend to spend more time on their next missions on the moon? Justify.

b- What must explorers do in order to be able to live on the moon?

c- Who will put the pieces of the habitat together?

4) What or who do the underlined words in the text refer to? 2pts

a. It (§4) b. they (§5) c- it (§4) d- they (§5)

B)Text Exploration (7points)

1) Find in the text words whose definitions follow: 0.5 pts

a- Travelling into a place for the purpose of learning about it.(§1)

b- The mixture of gases surrounding the Earth. (§3)

2) Divide the following words into roots and affixes: 1.5 pts

Disappearance / Undergo/ existence.


3) Rewrite sentence (b) so that it means the same as sentence (a). 1.5 pts

1_a. “Why must we spend money on space exploration?”, he asked .

b. He asked


2- a. Apollo astronauts have recently discovered evidence of water existence on the moon.

b. Evidence of water


3-a. I have a strong desire to set foot on the moon, someday.

b. I wish .........................................................................................................

4) Combine the pairs of sentences with the appropriate connector. 1.5 pts

a. Space research is a cultural imperative. Space research is an industrial imperative.

(Both ...and).

b. The Earth has eruptive volcanoes. The moon has inactive craters (while).

c. Space research is a very important issue. Scientists spend top dollars on it ( such ...that).

5) Classify the following words according to the pronunciation of their final “s”: 01 pts

Practices / moons / astronauts / rockets.

/S/ /Z/ /IZ/

6) Fill in the gaps with words from the list.

astronomical – defined – satellite – moon

A satellite can be ... (1) ... as any object that obits around somthing elsa. There are ten types

incuding..... (2) .... Satellites. For example, the .. (3) .. orbits around Earth and is thus a natural ...(4)

... , but man-made ones are called artificial objects.

Part Two: Writing. (5points)

Choose ONE of the following topics.

Topic One: using the following notes, write a composition of 80 to 120 words on the importance of

space research.

- space research helps in protecting the environment.

- saving the lives of people during natural catastrophes.

- space -based technologies for better services.

Topic two: Write a composition of 80 to 120 words on the following topic:

Some businessmen do not respect price regulations. They often sell their goods at too high prices.

What solutions would you suggest to fight such unethical behaviours?


3) Rewrite sentence (b) so that it means the same as sentence (a). 1.5 pts

1_a. “Why must we spend money on space exploration?”, he asked .

b. He asked


2- a. Apollo astronauts have recently discovered evidence of water existence on the moon.

b. Evidence of water


3-a. I have a strong desire to set foot on the moon, someday.

b. I wish .........................................................................................................

4) Combine the pairs of sentences with the appropriate connector. 1.5 pts

a. Space research is a cultural imperative. Space research is an industrial imperative.

(Both ...and).

b. The Earth has eruptive volcanoes. The moon has inactive craters (while).

c. Space research is a very important issue. Scientists spend top dollars on it ( such ...that).

5) Classify the following words according to the pronunciation of their final “s”: 01 pts

Practices / moons / astronauts / rockets.

/S/ /Z/ /IZ/

6) Fill in the gaps with words from the list.

astronomical – defined – satellite – moon

A satellite can be ... (1) ... as any object that obits around somthing elsa. There are ten types

incuding..... (2) .... Satellites. For example, the .. (3) .. orbits around Earth and is thus a natural ...(4)

... , but man-made ones are called artificial objects.

Part Two: Writing. (5points)

Choose ONE of the following topics.

Topic One: using the following notes, write a composition of 80 to 120 words on the importance of

space research.

- space research helps in protecting the environment.

- saving the lives of people during natural catastrophes.

- space -based technologies for better services.

Topic two: Write a composition of 80 to 120 words on the following topic:

Some businessmen do not respect price regulations. They often sell their goods at too high prices.

What solutions would you suggest to fight such unethical behaviours?



A-Comprehension Read the text and do the activities.

The ancient Greek civilization is known as the birthplace of western civilization. The development of the

Greek civilization started around 2000 B.C. Greece had several wars, including the Trojan War around 1200 B.C.,

which threw them into what is known as the Dark Age. During that time, knowledge of writing was lost and most

people lived in isolated villages. The Dark Age ended when the Greeks started to write again with an alphabet

based on that of the Phoenicians. During that time, many city-states emerged and struggled with each other. In 480

B.C., the Greeks united to defeat the invading Persians, but the alliance didn't last long. Two city-states, Athens and

Sparta, became the dominant powers in that region and constantly fought each other for power. Greece hall its

Golden Age in Athens around 477-431 B.C. In 334 B.C., Alexander the Great, leader of the country of Macedonia to

the north, conquered the Greeks and started what is called the Hellenistic Age.

The ancient Greeks have made many influential contributions to western civilization. These

contributions, included certain things in the areas of philosophy art, architecture, math and science. Greek

philosophers like Socrates, Aristotle and Plato were great thinkers who were determined to seek truth to a certain

subject or question no matter where it led them. Another area of Greek achievement was theater. Plays were

important in ancient Greece.

When it was split into the eastern and western empires, Greece became part of the eastern, or the

Byzantine Empire and Greek literature became the basis for learning in Byzantine institutions, especially in

Constantinople, its capital. When Constantinople was destroyed in 1453 A.D., the Greek literature stored there and

spread to the rest of Europe and helped start the Renaissance.

1. Circle the letter corresponding to the correct answer. The text is about:

a-the golden age of the Greek Civilization

b- Life and education in Ancient Athens

c- The Greek Civilization: its birth, development and collapse.

2. Say if the sentences are true or false

a- The development of the Greek civilization started around 1200B.C ................................

b- The Fark age in which the Greek civilization was thrown was because of the Trojan war ................................

c- Around 477B.C Athens was the powerful City in the ancient Greek civilization .....................................

d- After the split of the Greek civilization, the Greek Literature was taken by the Byzantine institutions .....................

3. Answer the following questions according to the text

a- What was the reason for the Greek unification?



b- When and where did the Greek civilization live its Golden Age?



4. To what or who do the underlined words refer to in the text

Which (§1) ................................................. There (§3) ..............................................

5. Choose a title to the text

a. The Greek history b. The conquests of Alexander the Great c. The Greeks achievements.

6. Circle the letter that correspond to the right answer. The text is:

a. Prescriptive b. Narrative c. Argumentative

B/ Text exploration

1. Find in the text words or phrases which are closest in meaning to the following

a. Unification (§1) = .............................. b. Realization (§2) = ........................ c. Damaged (§3) = ...................

2. Complete the following table

Verb Noun Adjective

To know ........................................................ ........................................................

....................................................... Domination .......................................................

.............................................................. ............................................................. Destroyed

3. Link the pair of sentences using the connector given.

a- The Greeks(build) fortified cities in the major valleys. Many people (be educate). (When)


b-Greece (remain) under Macedonian control. The Romans (conquer) both Macedonia and Greece. (until)


4.Classify the following words according to the pronunciation of the final ‘ed’:

Contributed – influenced – emerged – conquered

/t/ /d/ /id/